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Terms & Conditions

It is extremely important that you read and understand the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement before booking your travel arrangements with DLuxe Destinations Travel Concierge LLC ("DLuxe Destinations"). By booking your arrangement with DLuxe Destinations, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and any additional terms and conditions of any suppliers that are applicable to your booking arrangements.

The lead guest is required to provide contact information to DLuxe Destinations for each guest in their group and assumes the responsibility of sharing these terms and conditions with the entire group, including payment of all amounts when due. It is the responsibility of each passenger to read DLuxe Destinations Terms and Conditions in its entirety. In addition, DLuxe Destinations reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions from time to time and will submit an update via email notifying of such changes. By reviewing this full Agreement and clicking "Agree," I agree to the following terms and authorize DLuxe Destinations to charge the credit card I have provided.

  1. Role as Sales Agent: I understand that DLuxe Destinations acts solely in the capacity of a sales agent for the suppliers providing the travel services in connection with my trip, including but not limited to airlines, hotels and resorts, tour operators, transfer operators, sightseeing/excursion operators, shuttle providers, and providers of entertainment and wedding-related services. DLuxe Destinations assumes no responsibility for any personal injury, property damage, or other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience, or irregularity that may be occasioned either by (a) any act or omission of any of the suppliers or (b) any matter beyond our exclusive control involving them, including but not limited to a delay or cancellation of a flight that causes me to miss any portion of the trip.

  2. Payment Authorization: I certify that I am the authorized cardholder for this purchased travel and am authorizing DLuxe Destinations or its chosen tour operator or supplier to charge the listed amount to the credit card. I acknowledge and understand that the signed charge authorization is a binding agreement for charging my submitted credit card, or being invoiced for the charges, and as such, I waive any right to a chargeback in the case of trip delays, changes, or cancellations for any cause (excepting fraud), including a force majeure event.

  3. Payment Schedule and Deadlines: I acknowledge that a payment schedule will be provided at the time of booking. Deposits, final payments, and any interim payments must be made by the deadlines specified. Failure to make payments by the deadline may result in the cancellation of the booking without refund. A late fee of $50.00 will be charged if the final payment is not made by the specified deadline.

  4. Refund Policy for Cancellations by Supplier: In the event that a supplier cancels a portion of my trip (e.g., a flight, hotel, or tour), DLuxe Destinations will work to offer a refund, credit, or alternative arrangement based on the supplier’s policies. DLuxe Destinations has no control over supplier decisions and cannot guarantee any specific outcome.

  5. Denied Entry Responsibility: I understand that DLuxe Destinations is not responsible for the denied entry into any country for any guest. I understand that all guests are responsible for ensuring that they have all the proper documents for entry. All names on documents must match the legal name on the guest’s photo I.D., and travel document information must match tickets. Each guest is responsible for determining if issues are present with the immigration/customs process into a foreign country. Being denied entry will result in a complete financial loss associated with my trip.

  6. Passport Requirements: I understand that a passport is required for international travel, including for children & babies, and that for some countries (including but not limited to Mexico, Costa Rica, St. Lucia, Europe), passports must be valid 6 months AFTER RETURN DATE OF TRAVEL. I understand it is my responsibility to review and understand passport requirements and travel advisories for both the United States and the destinations I will be visiting.

  7. Hotel Policies: I understand that DLuxe Destinations is not an agent of the selected hotel ("Hotel") and has no control over refund policies and other rules mandated by the Hotel.

  8. Trip Protection Insurance: I understand that DLuxe Destinations is not an Insurance Agency and that 3rd-party Trip Protection is optional and the cost is non-refundable once purchased. I understand that DLuxe Destinations cannot sell, solicit, or negotiate travel insurance policies and that DLuxe Destinations has not made a binding assurance or promise about insurance coverage. I acknowledge that I have been advised about purchasing Travel Protection from DLuxe Destinations and the possible results if I choose not to purchase Travel Protection.

  9. Liability Waiver for Activities: I understand that participation in certain activities, excursions, or adventure tours (e.g., scuba diving, zip-lining, etc.) involves inherent risks, and DLuxe Destinations is not responsible for any injuries, accidents, or losses that occur during such activities. It is my responsibility to review and understand any waiver of liability provided by the activity operator.

  10. Group Travel Specifics: For group travel arranged through Fly Out With Minnie (DBA of DLuxe Destinations), I understand that the group leader is responsible for ensuring that all group members are informed of and comply with these terms and conditions. The group leader will also handle all communications with DLuxe Destinations and manage any group-specific discounts or promotions.

  11. Change Fee: I acknowledge the expense incurred by changes and I authorize DLuxe Destinations to charge a change fee of $35 per person per request for any changes that are requested or required after 24 hours of receiving my reservation confirmation email (in addition to the supplier's fee). This may include travel date changes, name changes, room category changes, and more.

  12. Cancellation Fee: I authorize DLuxe Destinations to charge $35 as a retainer of services and any additional services that we offer that you elect to purchase. I authorize DLuxe Destinations to charge $40 per-person payment (in addition to the supplier's fee) for the cancellation of a reservation made by DLuxe Destinations with no regard for the reason for cancellation. This cancellation fee also applies to all cancellations that result in a rebooking.

  13. Force Majeure Clause: I acknowledge that in the event of a force majeure event (e.g., natural disasters, pandemics, or other unforeseen circumstances beyond DLuxe Destinations' control), DLuxe Destinations may not be able to provide the services as originally planned. DLuxe Destinations will make reasonable efforts to offer alternative arrangements or refunds where possible, but I understand that there may be no refund available depending on the circumstances and supplier policies.

  14. Charge Authorization and Chargeback: In the event that I attempt without DLuxe Destinations' authorization to chargeback, reverse, or recollect a trip payment already made, DLuxe Destinations reserves the right to collect all additional costs, fees, and expenses associated with such chargeback, reversal, or recollection, including, without limitation, attorney fees. I understand that my credit card statement may reflect the supplier name or other supplier’s name (e.g., airlines) when transactions are completed on my behalf by DLuxe Destinations. I understand payment may take 3-5 business days to fully process and be reflected on my credit card statement.

  15. Compliance with Government Rules and COVID-19 Acknowledgment: I acknowledge and understand that it is my responsibility to comply with the government's rules in the destinations I'm visiting that are in effect during my trip. Government officials in the destinations I visit may change entry requirements, health protocols, and other rules for inbound visitors (including the possibility of health screenings, tests, and even mandatory quarantines) at their discretion and with little or no advance notice. I acknowledge and understand that the coronavirus (COVID-19) remains highly contagious. All guests who are senior citizens and those with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable to COVID-19, and each guest must consider the inherent risk of exposure and infection when making travel plans.

  16. Privacy and Data Protection: I understand that DLuxe Destinations collects and stores personal data for the purpose of making travel arrangements. This data will be protected and only shared with third parties (e.g., airlines, hotels) as necessary to complete the booking. DLuxe Destinations complies with data protection regulations, and I may request to see or delete my data at any time.

  17. Communications Policy and Hours of Operation: I understand that DLuxe Destinations will communicate with me primarily via email and phone. I can expect a response to inquiries within 48 hours, with emails being responded to in the order received and by urgency. DLuxe Destinations' hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 11 AM to 8 PM CST, and Saturday from 12 PM to 8 PM CST. DLuxe Destinations is closed on Sundays. Urgent matters will be prioritized, but response times may vary during weekends or holidays.

  18. Travel Document Delivery: I understand that travel documents (e.g., itineraries, tickets, vouchers) will be delivered via email unless otherwise specified. I will receive these documents no later than 7 days before departure.

  19. Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute arising out of or related to this Agreement, the parties agree to first attempt to resolve the matter through mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, the dispute may proceed to arbitration or court as outlined in the Governing Law section.

  20. Special Requests: I understand that any special requests (e.g., dietary needs, room preferences) must be communicated to DLuxe Destinations at the time of booking. While DLuxe Destinations will make every effort to accommodate these requests, they are not guaranteed.

  21. Responsibility for Travel Arrangements Not Booked Through DLuxe Destinations: I understand that DLuxe Destinations is not responsible for any travel arrangements (e.g., flights, accommodations) that I book independently of their services. Any issues or changes related to those arrangements must be handled directly with the service provider.

  22. Travel Advisories and Warnings: I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to review and understand any travel advisories or warnings issued by relevant authorities for the destinations I am visiting. DLuxe Destinations will provide general information but is not liable for any consequences related to ignoring these advisories.

  23. Client Conduct: I agree to conduct myself in a respectful manner during all aspects of the trip. I understand that any disruptive or illegal behavior may result in the termination of services without refund and possible legal consequences.

  24. Health Requirements: I acknowledge that certain destinations may have specific health requirements or recommendations (e.g., vaccinations, fitness to travel) that must be met. It is my responsibility to review these requirements and ensure compliance prior to departure.

  25. Governing Law: I understand that this Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Texas without regard to any conflict of law provision. This Agreement is performable in whole or in part in Bell County. The parties hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of any state or federal court located in Bell County, Texas, over any suit, action, or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement.

  26. Use of Photos for Marketing: I acknowledge and agree that any photographs, videos, or other recordings provided by me to DLuxe Destinations, whether through direct communication, email, or social media, as well as any publicly available photos from my social media accounts, may be used by DLuxe Destinations for marketing, promotional, or advertising purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, use on websites, social media platforms, brochures, and other marketing materials. I consent to the use of these images without compensation and understand that DLuxe Destinations will not share these images with third parties unrelated to DLuxe Destinations' marketing efforts. If I do not wish to have my image used in this manner, I must inform DLuxe Destinations in writing prior to the commencement of the trip.

  27. Terms Application: I understand that by signing this, the Terms & Conditions apply to everyone on the reservation.

  28. Terms and Travel Protection Plan Review: I certify that I have read the Terms & Conditions and the appropriate Travel Protection Plan details. If there are any issues with submission, please contact an agent for the completion of this Agreement.

  29. Non-refundable Payments: I understand all payments to DLuxe Destinations are non-refundable and non-transferable. I further acknowledge that I have been offered to purchase travel insurance to protect my investment.

Please note that Fly Out With Minnie is a DBA of DLuxe Destinations Travel Concierge LLC and is used exclusively for hosted group trips.

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